So many of us are sick and tired of career politicians getting elected by promising whatever the voters want to hear during the campaign, but ignoring the voters after the election. If you are stunned, ask a Wisconsin Democrat, an Oregon community college educator, or anyone else who was promised something by a politician that got totally blown off after the election.
To be fair, there are politicians who make a campaign promise with every intention and ability to fulfill it, but run up against some kind of road block … budget issues, the other party's obstinance, or some other issue takes priority … I get that. But way too often, its simply that the politician has been french-kissing the Blarney Stone.
There are lots of reasons for this, but seriously … I doubt you're OK with these "reasons" any more than I am. I"m reminded of the famous line from the movie Network, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!" As voters, this is a very understandable attitude and we should not apologize for feeling this way.
So I won't.
This blog is about speaking truth to power and holding the politician's feet to the fire. it's about insisting they are accountable to who elected them, "We the People". It's about re-creating a political process that is not about the 1%, but is about the 100%. This is 21st Century America, not 15th Century Europe! It's a democratic republic, not a feudal society! And its time we use the tools we have at hand to get serious about taking back our freedom, because we really don't have it, nor have we really had it for quite some time.
I will use progressive sites, conservative sites, fact-checking sites, and other media as a basis for my blog posts. And I will not spare either party's leaders if they are screwing up. I'm going after ALL the politicians that are using our government and our trust to "get gain", while ignoring the work we sent them to Washington DC to do.
And I need your help. If you like this blog, share it via social media with others. Ask your friends to check it out. I want Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Green Party, or any other party or philosophy's followers as readers. I want people who agree with my posts, people who think I'm "full of it", and every shade in between. Because at the end of the day, it's really about all of us talking it out, sharing our views with others, and coming together with some kind of common ground. Or we might as well hand governing over to the 1% and just accept that we are bound for a new feudal society based not on royalty, but on corporations. Check out the old movie Rollerball starring James Caan and see if you want that kind of world. It's where we are heading. Leaves kind of a icky taste in your mouth, doesn't it?
A last thought … remember the old saying from the 1970's, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." It's true. Be part of the solution.
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